Abundance: How to Live an Abundant Life with God

A few days ago, a fragment of a scripture verse came to my mind, and I felt the Holy Spirit’s presence in it: “…let your soul delight itself in abundance.” (Isaiah 55:2)

  • Abundance means plenty, it speaks of overflow and is a recurring theme in the Bible.

No matter what’s happening, you can access God’s vast abundance through Christ.
He is your Sustainer.

8 Biblical Insights About God’s Abundance

The word inspired me to study, and I pray these eight biblical insights (and my account of a prophetic vision) minister to you:

1. The call of the Lord is always towards Him, and toward abundance:

“Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, and let your soul delight itself in abundance.” (Isaiah 55:2b, NKJV)
Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10, NKJV)

2. We have access to God’s abundance through Christ.

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.” (Eph 1:3, NKJV)
“From his abundance, we have all received one gracious blessing after another.” (John 1:16, NLT)

3. Salvation is a spiritual blessing that overflows into every aspect of our lives.

This includes finances and other provisions.

  • “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” (Phil 4:19)
  • “And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.” ( 2 Cor 9:8, NKJV)

4. Abundance flows with the move of the Holy Spirit.

Abundance: "From his abundance, we have all received one gracious blessing after another." John 1:16 text on mustard color backgroundThis is evident in the ministry of Jesus. We also see it clearly in the imagery of the River of Life (Ezekiel 47 and Revelation 22).
Wherever the river goes, life flows!

  • Alongside the river grow abundant trees, with fruit for food and leaves for healing and medicinal purposes (Ezek 47:12)
  • A “very great multitude” of fish, “exceedingly many” are available for food, providing a generous living for those who fish there. (Ezek 47:9,10)

5. We learn that God’s presence satisfies us like nothing else.

“They are abundantly satisfied with the fullness of Your house, And You give them drink from the river of Your pleasures.” (Psalms 36:8, NKJV)
Once tasted, nothing can satisfy like the abundance found in God.

6. God’s grace and kindness are abundant.

  • “So we praise God for the glorious grace he has poured out on us who belong to his dear Son.”
  • “He has showered his kindness on us, along with all wisdom and understanding.” (Ephesians 1:6, 8, NLT)

7. Jesus said we can expect abundant fruit as we abide in Him and His words.

“But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted! When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciples. This brings great glory to my Father.” (John 15:7-8, NLT)

8. God turns our trials into fruitfulness

“I will return her vineyards to her and transform the Valley of Trouble into a gateway of hope.” (Hosea 2:15a, NLT)
God is a Redeemer whose heart is always to restore abundance when we have gone through trials.
And when we have sinned, our repentance becomes the doorway to restoration.

The Abundance Mindset of the Kingdom

An “abundance mindset” is a discipline many aspire to but struggle to achieve in today’s world.
But it’s actually very simple.

  • An abundance mindset is a heart set on God.
    One that perceives His infinite love, wisdom, power, and supply.

“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.” (Eph 3:20, NKJV)

He continually invites us to enjoy the abundant life He has for us.
So, why is it sometimes so difficult to give Him an unqualified “yes”?

The Vision of the Boat

This reminds me of something that happened in our worship service recently.

I saw myself in a vision, standing on a small boat. [1]
Below me, I saw a wooden deck—and a pointed bow was in front of my feet.

The boat was at a shoreline, where water meets sand.
Jesus stood before me on the shore, His hand expectantly stretched out. He was waiting for me to take His hand and step out of the boat.

A New Season of Abundance

It’s symbolic for many of us who have reached the threshold of a new season.
It has cost us to arrive at this place, and we have endured many trials.

Now, the Lord says, “Come, walk with me, let’s journey together.
It’s time to advance.
I am the source of everything you need.”
Still, sometimes, we hesitate.

“Don’t Shrink Back!”

On one hand, I wanted to explore this new place with Jesus—but on the other, I felt inclined to stay in the boat.
It was confined, yet that boat represented safety and the familiar life I knew.
Trees along the waterfront blocked my view of what lay behind them, so, I couldn’t see the nature of this new land.

Later in that meeting, our pastor preached a sermon titled, “Don’t shrink back!” [2]
He said, “God sees what we do not see, and we need to step into what He has for us. Don’t doubt your God.”
The message, with the vision, made a deep impression on us.

God’s Abundance Provided

Today, know that the One who watches over and loves you is abundant in nature. Even though you have not been this way, be reassured that all you need is sourced in the Lord (Psalms 23:1).

It’s a biblical principle that God sets up our supply beforehand!
We see it in Genesis in the river that flowed from Eden, which split into four headwaters. God provided for the nations in advance.

The four rivers were:

  • Pison, meaning “increase” (Strong’s H6376)
  • Gihon, meaning “bursting forth” (Strong’s H1521)
  • Hiddekel, which means, “rapid” (Strong’s H2313)
  • Euphrates, meaning “fruitfulness”, from a root meaning “to break forth” (Strong’s H6578)

Hear Him say, “I have already watered the land ahead of you!”

Your “Yes” Enables the Flow

How can we access this great abundance?
In Revelation chapter 22, the “River of God” flows from His throne.
It reminds us that God’s power flows from His rulership—His throne—in our lives.
And our continual “yes!” to Him enables this flow.

Perhaps this resonates with you today:
It’s time to step out of the boat.

[1] When I describe a vision, it’s usually a vivid impression in my mind’s eye accompanied by a strong sense of God’s Presence. This is not an “open” (physical) vision. I believe all prophetic words, encounters, and visions should be compatible with Scripture and need to be weighed up—if you’d like to know more see 8 Ways to Grow In Prophetic Visions and Pictures.
[2] Pastor Neil Smith, Planetshakers Church, 3rd February “Don’t shrink back!”

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Leave a Comment
Have these prophetic insights about abundance spoken to you? Which one do you relate to the most—the standout theme for me has been “I have already watered the land ahead of you!”.  I’d love to hear from you, so leave a note or prayer request in the comments below.

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Thank you to Our Global Family

Today I want to pause and thank my prayer partners and regular donors. Because of the Lord’s generosity through you, I can keep the ministry of Enliven Blog available globally.

Malcolm and Helen Calder

I have also been touched by those of you who have mentioned that you are praying for us. Thank you, and I pray you encounter God’s abundant supply.

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© 2024 Helen Calder, Enliven Blog

Enliven Ministries: Prophetic ministry for a revival generation

36 thoughts on “Abundance: How to Live an Abundant Life with God”

  1. Yes. This is very true. You’re indeed a woman of God. Weeping may for the night,but Joy comes in the morning, psalm 30:5. I pray for the grace of God to endure till the downing of the morning of Joy in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. More Blessings, more anointing in Jesus name

  2. This is a very helpful message. The vision of the boat and the new season seemed to sit with me.
    Helen, thank you so much once again. As always Jesus is so through your message, and the timing is right there for me.
    Much appreciated! Trusting you all are very well.

    1. Hi from Australia, Sashi.
      It’s comforting to know the Lord has gone ahead of us and has it all in hand!

      1. Hello to Australia! Helen, good to hear from you.
        It’s amazing to know God has it… Today I was spending time with Issac in the place called Rehoboth – God has made room… So good!
        Have a lovely weekend, great blessing to you guys

      2. Bonjour très chère soeur Hélène,
        Très joyeuse après avoir reçu ma réponse de Dieu par vous.
        Viens marcher avec moi,cheminons ensemble, il est tant tu avances. Wow je bénis le seigneur qui me connaît tant, après une période de multiples épreuves, il me tant sa main. Au point de parler du voyage que je dois effectuer dans les prochains jours, il a déjà arrosé le sol, wow ! Je suis très heureuse de savoir que mon Jésus a déjà tout fait pour moi
        Merci ma soeur, demeurez combler au nom de Jésus. C’est ma nouvelle saison

        1. What a joy to receive this comment, Queen, so delightful and prophetic
          It arrived the evening before I am starting 21 days of meditating on the Psalms in French – français
          And this is where I started
          Le Seigneur est mon berger, je ne manque de rien. (Psaume 23:1)
          Not a French speaker but studied it in my College years.
          I love the way reading in another language makes me pause and meditate in a deeper, creative way and draws out different word and phrases

  3. Thank you, so relevant for me right now. You really hear God and communicate what He wants me/us to know, digest, and apply.

    1. Hi Jenny, thank you, may you be richly blessed in your season of “more” –
      “that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him” Eph 1:17

  4. This is a very encouraging word for this time of great loss in my church family. A staff person was let go and so many have become angry enough to leave over it. I love the verse that God says He waters the ground ahead of us. Please pray for my church that people won’t judge the situation since they don’t know all of the details but that they will follow what God shows them to do and say. Also that those who are staying will be able to move forward in provision, abundance and peace.

    1. I’m so sorry to hear that Debbie, amen to that, may there be much grace, and healing flowing among you.

  5. Dear Sister Helen, Greetings in the name of the most awesome Saviour Lord Jesus Christ,
    Thank you for yet another powerful exhortation!
    As a family, we are expecting and fully trusting the Lord to help us to TRAVEL to another city in THIS MONTH in order to engage in the procedures of the sale of our apartment for which we had been praying over almost 8 years! And when it is materialized, it will be a great financial abundance not only for us but also for many others connected to us as we have plans to extend our financial support to them. I believe that you wrote the following words particularly for us:

    “It’s symbolic for many of us who have reached the threshold of a new season.
    It has cost us to arrive at this place, and we have endured many trials.
    Now, the Lord says, “Come, walk with me, let’s journey together.
    It’s time to advance.
    Hear Him say, “I have already watered the land ahead of you!”

    Hallelujah and alll the glory to the LORD for HIS timely Word! Thank you once again.

    1. Hi Benny, amen to that! We pray for the sale to be loosed, in Jesus’ Name. Rich blessing to your family, loved by God

      1. Dear Hellen
        Thank you for the message
        Now, the Lord says, “Come, walk with me, let’s journey together.
        It’s time to advance.
        I am the source of everything you need.”
        That’s my need .
        “I will return her vineyards to her and transform the Valley of Trouble into a gateway of hope.” (Hosea 2:15a, NLT)
        God is a Redeemer whose heart is always to restore abundance when we have gone through trials.
        And when we have sinned, our repentance becomes the doorway to restoration.
        Thank you for your timely message.

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