Open Door: How to Enter Your New Prophetic Season

Have you ever heard a prophetic word about an open door and thought, “That’s for me!”?
A door is a biblical symbol of opportunity, and access.
God is causing that which was previously unavailable to open!

The prophetic declaration of an open door is an announcement:

  • The time is at hand for God to fulfill His promises.

An open door can also signify an encounter with God. [1,2]

4 Insights About an Open Door Prophecy

A prophetic word about an open door means that the door is already open in the spiritual realm.
So, we can participate in it!

1. The Open Door Message is An Invitation

Open Door: How to enter your new prophetic season text on image of open door with sky beyondSometimes, we see a prophetic word fulfilled immediately.
But often, we receive that word for a strategic purpose! God invites us into a new encounter—and wants our active participation.
He works through us, as we partner with the Holy Spirit in prayer and obedience.

The Apostle Paul often used the imagery of open and closed doors in his ministry. For example, he made this prayer request when he was imprisoned:
“….praying also for us, that God would open to us a door for the word, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in chains” (Col 4:3, NKJV)

Paul was still locked up, yet he saw the open door by faith—and asked the church in Colosse to pray.

2. We can Knock on a Door Yet to Open

Jesus taught about prayer, saying, “And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.” (Luke 11:9-10, NLT)

  • When we receive a prophetic word about an open door, our first response is to thank God for it!

And the second is to respond to that word with prayer. [3]

How do we knock with faith? We knock as if the door is about to open!
Faith continues knocking, even in the face of resistance.

3. The Open Door will Give Glory to God

In Revelation, John recorded Jesus’ messages to the churches:
“Write this letter to the angel of the church in Philadelphia. This is the message from the one who is holy and true, the one who has the key of David. What he opens, no one can close; and what he closes, no one can open: “I know all the things you do, and I have opened a door for you that no one can close. You have little strength, yet you obeyed my word and did not deny me.” (Rev 3:7-8, NLT)

There are some doors only God can open—and He promises to hold them open!
Then, when that door opens, the miracle of how it came about will give glory to God.

4. Increased Authority Comes With an Open Door

To enter a door, we must have the authority to access it. The Lord may also speak to us about keys that represent authority and power. [4]
A door may open when we awaken in faith to our God-given authority in that area—and begin to exercise it.

Then, as our authority increases, so does the opposition to it. Paul wrote, “There is a wide-open door for a great work here, although many oppose me.” (1 Cor 16:9, NLT)

Prophetic Vision of a Sealed Chapter

Stepping through an open door can herald a new chapter in our lives.
And this was the subject of a vision the Lord gave me at the end of last year.

While worshiping, I saw a book in my mind’s eye, and a large fold-back clip sealed the next chapter.
I wanted to turn the page, so I asked, “Lord, what do I do?”.
I heard the Spirit say, “You need to petition the Father to open it.”
So, I did, very simply. [3]

“Open the Book!”

Suddenly, the sense of God’s anointing increased.
The vision changed, and I saw Jesus standing at a long table in a room.
He commanded loudly, “Open the book!”

At that moment, it seemed as if a loud clap of thunder resounded in the spiritual realm.
And instantly, a scroll on the table unrolled to the right and left.

It looked like an old map on paper or parchment, but it was no ordinary map:

  • The map seemed alive; it was dynamic and interactive, like modern GPS maps

A Refreshment Station

Then I saw it on the map—the place Jesus wanted me to see.
It was the side road, the rough and winding way:

  • The road we never expected to travel

I noticed a place on the map indicating a refreshment station. It seemed to pop out of the map!
And it dawned on me:
Our Heavenly Father had foreseen we would be here—and prepared a time of refreshment, which we were about to enter.

The Open Door of Divine Appointment

Perhaps, you have found yourself on an unexpected road.
And the open door hasn’t come in the form you anticipated…yet.

Right now, a doorway of Divine appointment is open.

  • If this resonates with you, receive this word of refreshing right now

Your Threshold Season

When God provides an open door, everything changes:

  • Hannah prayed, and God gave her a son, Samuel (1 Sam 1)
  • Nehemiah prayed, and the Lord thrust him into service (Neh 1, 2)
  • The church prayed and the Holy Spirit came as a rushing, mighty wind (Acts 2)

This is your threshold season.

I’m grateful to have been writing on this theme for a decade!
[1] More on this in my post, 5 Things to Do When Confronted With a Closed Door (Apostle Paul)
[2] Doors of Divine appointment – see Rev 3:20, 4:1. See my post, The Door of Glory is Opening
[3] We tend to underrate the power of a simple petition! See Prayer of Petition: 8 Reasons Your Petition is Powerful
[4] See my post, 8 Ways to Use Keys of the Kingdom (Spiritual Authority)
[5] When I describe a vision, it’s usually a vivid impression in my mind’s eye accompanied by a strong sense of God’s Presence. This is not an “open” (physical) vision. I believe all prophetic words, encounters, and visions should be compatible with Scripture and need to be weighed up—if you’d like to know more see 8 Ways to Grow In Prophetic Visions and Pictures.

Leave a Comment
Have you been encouraged by any words about an open door lately? Which insights speak most to you (I’ve had lots of “aha!” moments while meditating on this!) To leave a comment or prayer request use the comments box below.

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© 2024 Helen Calder, Enliven Blog

Enliven Ministries: Prophetic ministry for a revival generation

33 thoughts on “Open Door: How to Enter Your New Prophetic Season”

  1. We must respond as instructed by the Holy Spirit. Doors with great consequence may require many things collected in the past to be left behind.
    When there is no need of them in the new they are only trophies collecting dust upon the wall behind you.
    And when I had troubles selling the years of ‘someday i’ll get to that’ things. The Holy Spirit commented on their importance to others. “What do you have to give with any value above the gospel.”

    1. Shirley Nakani

      Thank you Jesus for an open door. Thank you Lord for showing up. I enter to my open door in Jesus Name. Amen

  2. Wow, I came here before this was even sent out in the email. Decided to revisit the last word, and found this one! 2024–Doors upon doors upon doors! Father please close all the wrong ones, use us to do so–and please open all the right ones, in Jesus’ name! Father may every door be opened for Your glory through us!!! May every enemy door be closed and sealed shut with our words/Your declarations and the Blood of Jesus!!! We welcome Your Presence, Your Glory…we HONOR You Father!!!
    “knock and the door will be opened”<–this resonates with me! Let us not give up, but keep knocking! He will open–the doors ALL belong to Him!

  3. This has been and still is my prayer enter into a new opportunity of social and financial breakthrough.

  4. This was interesting to me as someone mentioned to me an open door some months ago but I did not understand it. I had no spiritual understanding. And I wonder if the door was still open? It’s why this blog resonated with me. I had just shared with someone how I am having experiences I never had before, spiritual experiences.

  5. Cynthia Johnson

    Thank you for this prophetic word. God showed me in a dream about the open door. He shared Isaiah 22:22; On January 9, 2022, I’ve gone through some opened ? with much opposition and heaviness and prayer ?? I held a Woman’s Group in our home for a almost two years this was the first open door and opportunity than the I believe Holy Spirit spoke to me and said this will be short….. and it was just like He said it be…. Than I was catapulted to another level, and then that’s when some things begin to change, I’m not sure if I was supposed to enter that door of assignment but I was obedient to the call. After some unbelievable things transpired I was hurt, alone, uneasy and really had to pray and ask Holy Spirit what was my assignment and who I was assigned to, and what region I was assigned too a few weeks ago I heard in my spirit you’re assigned to your daughter who was already currently spending a few weeks in our home. She’s my assignment and I thank my Heavenly Father for the opportunity to pour into her life about the Gospel of YESHUA HAMASHIACH “JESUS “THE MESSIAH!!! Thank you for sharing this beautiful timely word and your obedience to ABBA FATHER!!

    1. What a beautiful testimony Cynthia, I’m praying with you for your daughter right now, may her heart be an open door for Jesus to enter

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